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Title II ~ Credit CARD Act of 2009


(a) In General- Section 122 of the Truth and Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1632) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:

(d) Additional Electronic Disclosures-

(1) POSTING AGREEMENTS- Each creditor shall establish and maintain an Internet site on which the creditor shall post the written agreement between the creditor and the consumer for each credit card account under an open-end consumer credit plan.

(2) CREDITOR TO PROVIDE CONTRACTS TO THE BOARD- Each creditor shall provide to the Board, in electronic format, the consumer credit card agreements that it publishes on its Internet site.

(3) RECORD REPOSITORY- The Board shall establish and maintain on its publicly available Internet site a central repository of the consumer credit card agreements received from creditors pursuant to this subsection, and such agreements shall be easily accessible and retrievable by the public.

(4) EXCEPTION- This subsection shall not apply to individually negotiated changes to contractual terms, such as individually modified workouts or renegotiations of amounts owed by a consumer under an open end consumer credit plan.

(5) REGULATIONS- The Board, in consultation with the other Federal banking agencies (as that term is defined in section 603) and the Federal Trade Commission, may promulgate regulations to implement this subsection, including specifying the format for posting the agreements on the Internet sites of creditors and establishing exceptions to paragraphs (1) and (2), in any case in which the administrative burden outweighs the benefit of increased transparency, such as where a credit card plan has a de minimis number of consumer account holders.